The pelvic floor plays an essential role in the correct location of the internal organs, the smooth operation of the urinary and gastrointestinal tracts, and the provision of sexual and reproductive functions. Soft tissues (muscles, fascia, and ligaments) support the pelvic floor organs. Pelvic floor disorders and problems are characterized by the weakening of the tissues that support the pelvic floor, which affects the biomechanics of the pelvic floor organs.
Pelvic floor work may accompany physical therapy for pelvic pain or procedures. Pelvic floor dysfunction affects every woman’s quality of life, social life, and self-confidence.
Physiotherapy of the pelvic floor: indications for use
Although pelvic floor dysfunction is joint, these complaints are not always referred to a specialist. The following factors increase the risk of pelvic floor dysfunction:
- pregnancy and childbirth;
- age;
- genetic predisposition;
- pelvic floor injuries;
- constipation;
- weight gain;
- intense physical activity.
Pelvic floor dysfunction can be prevented by regularly exercising the pelvic floor muscles as directed by a physiotherapist. When the pelvic floor muscles tense, the vagina, urethra, and anus are closed in a circle, along with the perineum and pelvic organs moving forward and upward. With isolated tension of the pelvic floor muscles, there is no activation of the powers of the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, or other forces. The physiotherapist’s instructions are necessary to contract the pelvic floor muscles correctly. Indications for physiotherapy:
- urinary incontinence in women, prolapse of the pelvic organs;
- urinary incontinence in men;
- fecal incontinence in men and women, defecation disorders, and pain in the pelvic region.
Impact of pelvic floor physiotherapy
At the first consultation with doctors, you need to tell them about the anamnesis, complaints, and symptoms. The physiotherapist will assess the strength of the pelvic floor muscles and the existing control of the forces (vaginally or rectally). Afterward, the patient will receive individual recommendations for training the pelvic floor muscles. The doctor performs a series of procedures like ultrasound or electromyography, which will help to more accurately determine the adjustment of the coordination of the pelvic floor muscles.
Essential tips to know:
- Intentionally interrupting urination is not exercise. When emptying the bladder, the pelvic floor muscles should be relaxed, and urination should pass without tension.
- Contraction of the pelvic floor muscles due to aging can be delayed by exercise, but it is impossible to prevent and alleviate the complaints completely.
- Any activity has an impact on the pelvic floor. Physical activity is only helpful if the pelvic floor can respond to increased intraperitoneal pressure and available gravity.
These recommendations will help you avoid aggravating problems if you self-medicate. Trust the advice of your physical therapist.